
In passing...

My computer went down just as I wanted to use it more than ever, to share my pictures and thoughts on Spring. So, I'm being delayed... as Spring usually is as well. A bientôt?


Last Spring

A dear friend sent me some pictures of our little house in Sweden. We always miss the early Spring, so it was a treat to see the beginning of everything starting to grow.
Thank you Birthe for these!
Hopefully for my dear ones up North this will soon be true again.


Babes in the Woods

Pretty small shy ones...

and one Bold Babe!

Having felt that Spring...

will never really arrive, I decided to push...
These blooms are yet to come out, but still they bring hope!


Well I do long for spring now... but

there's something to be said for autumn as well. It's all about changes ofcourse. The dying off, giving space for new things to come.
These old firs will stay on for a long long time yet. It's fine, all change doesn't have to be quick.


Once upon a time...

this was how floors looked when you entered a building here in my small town. Pretty, n'est pas? Nowadays they tend to disappear under "nice modern" floors. I'll continue to hunt for the old ones though, to save what little I can for a little while longer.

Skies, blue ones

Heading West

This is one of my favourite mountains; Mont St. Victoire just close to Aix-en-Provence. We used to pass by more often some years ago, when we still went to Sweden only by road. This is Cezanne country, where he painted. Often the mountain played a great part in his pictures.