
Early summer

Well here in France summer isn't possible before mid-June, but for me, being Swedish, it very much feels like early summer. It snuck up on me while I was working myself to the bone, and so, I have to try to catch up. Which I can't, so I offer some pictures of today's little jaunt to Nice. I met with my (very charming, handsome) surgeon, and then spent some time alone in  pretty Nice. I need to take more pictures from ALL the different "quartiers", but this at least is a start...

At the Hôpital Pasteur this beatiful old church is squashed in between the newer buildings.That colour!

The steps leading up to the entrance of the church is made from pebbels from the sea-shore. Amazing patterns I didn't really capture well...

In downtown Nice I noticed that the Napoleonic Eagle is still going strong. Here in a modern fence separating the driveway from the side-walk.

The facades in Nice are as many as there are houses. Almost all beatiful in their own way.


Nice, a city of contrasts...


  1. Vackert, vackert, vackert! Väl använd tid, Danette!

  2. Ja, jisses vilken vacker stad det är. Jag kan känna doften av hav och avgaser när jag ser bilderna. Den där stensättningen av småstenen...wow! Och så det där speciella gula varma ljuset... Ljuvligt. Du, jag måste snart hälsa på.. (behöver kattvakt et d'argent!!)

  3. Tack! Kom båda två vetja, we'll have a ball!

  4. Jaaaaa!!!
    Fast jag behöver kanske passa någons katt, förstås...
