
Couting Down, and more

It feels good to up and leave this time. No stress (yet), only a kind of relief. This season's been rough, and boring, and odd in many ways. But more than anything, I feels it's good that it's over....

The downside is a black hole, and I'm not going there again, not right now. The up-sides quite a few, and i feel good about most of it, with hindsight. I managed to get my "hommage" off the ground, and onto the walls of an almost gallery. If you havent seen it already;

Voilà, my very own first exhibit! it's coming down again on Sunday, although I was just offered another week. no need to flatter myself, I know the French, and their bad planning. Anyway, the great migration is here, so on wednesday we're off for the next season.

Oddly enough I've made new friends! In for me the most unlikely place.;The Internet has its good points and bad ofcourse. I was swept away earlier this winter on a Twitter-wave that I'm just now re-surfacing from. It's an odd place, and I've come to see that I might not be for me. Still, I'll leave with some friends and some aquaintances, and a very dear special friend I hope to spend a lot of interesting time with. No names here, I do try to respect privacy, when i stop to think. I don't think I'll stay a Tweeter, but hopefully my friends will still have me...

Now I'm heading North, and I look forward to it a lot! I have an artistic challenge I've taken on, and am serious about. I have projects, both private and for the family. I have family and friends to re-connect with, and I so so long for my peaceful haven of a tiny garden! No projects there this year! I just want to be, and enjoy, and watch it take care of itself.

There's so much more to contemplate and to tell about, but I'l save it for another place, and another time
Preaparing for take-off is harder every yaer, and I'm tired now. well, at least I've blogged again...amazing!

Sweet Home!


  1. There you are, Fawlty! Som av en händelse tittade jag in här trots att du aldrig (jo fast tydligen ändå ibland?) skriver här! Vad roligt att läsa och se bilderna igen.
    Du ska vara varmt välkommen till Sverige och snart står jag i grinden och tjoar på dig!

  2. Ah, jag kanske borde skriva namn, eller vad tycker du? Eller nej förresten, du får komma på vem jag är. Du får tre gissningar och jag ger dig tre ledtrådar.
    1 Min granne heter Binkt
    2 Jag är en konstig ensam tant som har två katter
    3 Jag...eh... öh... vet inge' mer nu

    1. Blast!! jag kommenterade här.."Most wittily" och sedan skulle jag kommentera nästa, och SEDAN skicka båda! Ha...så mycket för effektivitet! Jag gissar och gissar men det är svårt att lista ut vem ni är kära Anonym!

  3. I do hope you have found your exhibit worthwhile Danette, and your stay in France welcoming. In my humble opinion, I'm no expert except in what I like, your photos are beautifully unique in that most look like paintings. I do love them, and your haven of tranquility: your beautiful garden. A hard lesson for me is to know when a transformation, of a least a part of a garden, needs no more. I just so enjoy creating garden features.
    Any road up, as we say in Yorkshire, I wish you a safe trek back home. Lots of love and blessings to you and yours.

  4. Dear Andrew, thank you! I wrote a very long reply here, and then lost it! Now time's running out, but let's discuss gardening closer this summer when I'm more "tranquil"!
